You learn a lot in school about the world but it’s a whole new ballgame when you have to go out into the world to find a job in the labour market. Give yourself an edge over the competition in the workforce by experiencing an internship. Internships equip you with the tools and on-the-job training you can use to land your dream job in the sector that you are interested in, internships are good in a particular way to get your head out of the books and learn how to build, create, manage or engineer a science project or concept.
An innovative, creative and problem-solving mindset will become the golden triangle during your internship. The internship program is designed to act as a slipway, launching students and starters into the wider world in the expectation that currents will guide them into a job. In practice, many people get stuck in the doldrums because employers demand evidence of specific experience even from entry-level candidates.